Alchemy - a seemingly magical process of transformation, or creation through the combining of elements. This is not your average experience. Through alchemy, I bring together a blend of elements and expertise, including but not limited to:
the trauma of oppression
relational psychodynamics
decolonizing internalized capitalism & White supremacy
healing inter-generational trauma
ritual and ancient tradition of the disapora
mindfulness & conscious movement
The Alchemy can be applied to create a way out of suffering; and often the only way out is through. Through feeling deeply, speaking truth to power & finding your authentic voice, through Spirit, through political education, through unpacking inter-generational legacies of trauma.
Each healing experience is curated to honor the totality of each being and their innate healing wisdom.
My Approach
[The Alchemy]

"Be easy.
Take your time.
You are coming home to yourself"
-Nayyirah Waheed

ReImagine Legacy
ReImagine Legacy is an interdisciplinary enterprise archiving, innovating and mobilizing culturally-enhanced community health & healing interventions seeded within kinship connections (kinnections). The enterprise focuses on reproductive mental health, and addressing gaps in holistic care for Black Womxn, Birthing People, our families and communities. We also explicitly defer to the knowledge and insights of the LGBTQIA+ community, centering our voices and experiences within the work.
Engaging with community using storytelling and konjuring ancestral wisdom and practices, ReImagine Legacy aims to resurrect, evolve and share the knowledge, spells, and practices collected. Through an archive of stories, practices, and traditions ancient-future paradigms for kare and kinship are elevated.
Black communities (& IPOC kin) can also access these resources and medicine through workshops & events, psychoeducation, immersive healing justice experiences, political education, and advocacy from micro to macro levels.
The aim of ReImagine Legacy is to reinstill Black communities with knowledge, language, and innovative strategies that empower us to name our experiences and needs across the reproductive lifespan, as well as collaboratively design solutions and interventions.
We are inviting Black communities back to legacies and traditions of healing, kinship, kollective care & responsibility. With these tools, Black Women and Birthing people can advocate for our rights more effectively, access resources and interventions more readily, and live an enhanced quality of life, improving intergenerational outcomes.